Friday, October 13, 2006

The Man Who Whispered

"A man came to me and whispered my name in my ear. I turned around and looked at him and asked him why he just did that. The man examined me sternly and said ____"

I can't seem to be able to finish this thing...any ideas?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I would rather write.

Starting something is almost always the hardest part of doing something new. For me, this is blogging.

It took me a good thirty minutes to convince myself to allow myself to start and give myself a chance to speak.

Too many of us go live life unheard and my goal is to change that. I, personally don't like talking. But I LOVE writing. I love reading what other people write and complimenting them and helping them so if there is anything you have written I would love to read it.

I have noticed that days pass without meaning. Routines and insignificant conversation pass time, but we do not realize that we do not have much time left to pass! So you must use your mind and think. Thinking is a great activity. Just sit on a damn couch and ponder about anything that enters your mind. Dont have time? Think of something on the freaking toilet seat. I am sure you will intrigue yourself.

Tell me how it goes =]